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Emergency Preparedness Kits

Disasters, by their very definition, are unexpected, catastrophic events that alter are way of life.  One of the most important ways in which you, your family, your friends and coworkers can mitigate the effects of a disaster is by preparing an emergency kit.  


Here is just one example of an emergency supply kit.  Feel free to use this as a good starting point, but make the kit unique to your situation and your needs.  These kits can get expensive, but a good rule of thumb is to start acquiring things piece by piece with items you probably already have around the house.  From there, start saving to purchase additional pieces of the kit and acquire them as you are able.  


Finally, remember that an emergency supply kit is an ongoing process.  Label your supply boxes with expiration dates of your supplies.  As expiration dates come up, pull the item out and use it while going out to purchase a replacement for the kit.  


Click the image to open the .pdf to enlarge and print.  

Visual Emergency Supply Kit Checklist
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